Safety and the environment : training employees in the field

13 juin 2023

At ECT sites, the safety of our employees and customers is a daily priority. Everyone on the sites plays a key role. Here’s a look at the job of a site manager and what’s at stake.

The role of a site manager

A site manager plays a key role in ensuring that unloading and safety regulations are complied with. Site managers have the following duties:

  • Dispatching trucks to the unloading area
  • Checking that drivers comply with safety instructions
  • Checking that trucks are unloaded safely in the control area
  • Checking the conformity of unloaded materials
  • Keeping the unloading area clean.

By 2023, 100% of our site managers will be trained in quality, environmental and safety issues.

Specific in-house training is provided to make site managers aware of the three main issues:

Quality : checking the conformity of excavated soil received on our sites. A visual and olfactory check is carried out. Procedures must be followed in the event of soil refusal.

Safety : site managers are responsible for their own safety by wearing PPE and standing in front or to the side of soil during unloading. They are also responsible for the safety of our customers during unloading by observing distances during unloading and ensuring that trucks drive in the right direction.

Environment : they need to adopt good environmental practices, and more specifically sort industrial and packaging waste and deal with environmental emergencies.