A job with a story: site reception

20 août 2020

Whatever their area of expertise or trade and whichever site they work on, the staff of the operations department of ECT contribute every day to « making landscape ».
Despite the rigours of the weather, they have to stay optimistic and persevering. And work together, in a team, to shape these earth hills and these projects.

Through portraits of these men and women, we let you discover what they do and what is important to them. In this edition, we put the spotlight on site reception personnel.

Site reception: A key stage in traceability?

Every year, ECT receives nearly 15 million tons of soil. The traceability of this soil is a major factor in the management and re-use of excavated soil. On every site, the soil is checked at the reception point.

The site reception officer carries out the first checks in situ:

  • enregistrement des documents contenant des informations sur l’origine du chantierrecording of the documents that contain the information about the place of origin
  • checking the admission documents
  • checking the load on the truck
  • communicating and checking safety instructions, traffic rules and tipping rules

Site reception officer: a line of work for women too.

On several sites, the reception points are staffed by women. This role calls for working fast, getting it right, and being firm.

You have to know how to manage the flow of trucks entering the site and keep waiting time to a minimum. And sometimes you need determination to turn away a load because of a problem with traceability or with the quality of the soil.

« Here, at this point, you need to have character, be disciplined and give your instructions with a smile »

« My role is to control the loading of the trucks, do data entry and manage safety. »

See their faces

When Gil Fornet took these portraits of ECT staff, he used his skills as a photographer to capture the diversity of our trades in images.

Visit the photo gallery to see the faces of the reception officers and their stories.