ECT has a unique experience and competence in bringing nature back to abandoned or degraded sites. Communities and local authorities find, all too often, that abandoned and brownfield sites are taken over by illegal dumping or squatting.

ECT's contribution is to transform sites into an opportunity for communities and local authorities. Remodelling the terrain by bringing in soil - upcycling - can be a way to finance a new leisure area and new facilities, and to bring more sports and more nature to town.

Any urban landscaping project will be complex. ECT carries out a consultation process to define the new uses for the site, and rehabilitates the soil to restore its fertility. This is how a site becomes a landscaped park with slopes where trees will grow again.

The rehabilitation of an area of land culminates in its being opened to the public, handed back to the local community and reappropriated by local people.

This process of upcycling is carried out with respect for ecological constraints, and with a deliberate commitment to conserving biodiversity by logical design, 'adaptive management' and low-key maintenance. Every year, ECT plants between 10,000 and 30,000 trees in the Île-de-France region.

Download our brochure, "Bringing back nature, opening urban parks, replanting woodland"

Download our brochure “Reboiser des friches, créer une forêt" ("Replanting Brownfield Sites to create a Forest")

  • See above for photos of landscaping developments carried out by ECT at Moissy-Cramayel (77), Moussy-le-Neuf (77) and Andilly (95); and landforms created by ECT in the county parks of Haute-Île (93) and La Courneuve (93)