2 new ECT sites involving the Oasis Nature network of Humanité & Biodiversité

30 novembre 2022

Three ECT site for Oasis Nature in Seine-et-Marne

The rewilded zones of the ECT sites at Annet-sur-Marne (77) and Roissy-en-Brie (77) were added to the Humanité & Biodiversité association’s Oasis Nature network.

After the site at Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin (77), which is noted for its orchard, its wooded slopes, and habitat recreated for the stone curlew, spaces devoted to biodiversity on two ECT sites in the département of Seine-et-Marne were added to the Oasis Nature network. It’s a great commendation for the ECT’s Design, Operations and Development teams.

”We hope that ECT will continue with its efforts to create quality sites for biodiversity!”

Charlotte Eulry, project head, Oasis Nature


Find more about Oasis Nature and Humanity and Biodiversity

ECT’s project at Roissy-en-Brie


Find out more about the ECT project at Roissy-en-Brie

The ECT project at Roissy-en-Brie provides site rehabilitation mainly for agricultural purposes, combined with conservation of habitats and rewilding by ECT.

The great benefit of the ecological zone that is being recreated is to offer an open wetland habitat. The swales (low-lying hollow areas, prone to flooding) are already well developed. This type of habitat is becoming rare and should be protected in the long term, even taking into account the very high demand for land in the region. The wooded and vegetated slopes of the sites also form part of Oasis Nature’s network.

The project provides for environmental follow-up over a 5-year period. The Oasis Nature network will alert future managers about the importance of keeping the habitat open, in particular by providing for the removal of any woody plants that might otherwise constrict the wet zone.

ECT’s project at Annet-sur-Marne


Find out more about ECT’s project at Annet-sur-Marne

On the Annet-sur-Marne site, the Oasis Nature section adjoins a wood descending to a small neighbouring stream, the Fossé de Montigny. The site is next to a type 1 ZNIEFF (a natural zone that is significant in terms of its ecology, flora or fauna), while the ECT site that is still operational is located on the western edge. The woodland that has been planted includes many fruit trees. They are the equivalent of an orchard, an agricultural ecosystem which is very rich from the biological point of view, attracting the local fauna and maintaining the soil with a healthy vegetative layer.

Oasis Nature asks for vigilant upkeep of these fruit trees and proposes to organise fruit-gathering sessions.

And next ?

At both project sites, the agricultural zones and their ecological developments may also, when complete, join the Oasis Nature network. Humanité & Biodiversité will look at this in the light of the type of agriculture that is being done there, and the farmer’s interest in the label.