Val d’Oise: one of the largest illegal landfill sites in the Paris region is rehabilitated by ECT.

This renaturation project is self-financed through the reuse of inert soil from local building sites.
Waste removal operations are underway to enable agricultural, environmental and landscape rehabilitation of the site through the addition of soil. An emblematic example of the positive contribution of the circular economy of inert soils to regional development.

Thursday, May 19, 2022, Boissy-l’Aillerie / Puiseux-Pontoise (95). A few kilometers from Cergy-Pontoise, the site visit organized by the ECT company enabled Philippe Court, Prefect of Val d’Oise, to Michel GUIARDMayor of Boissy-l’Aillerie, to Thierry THOMASSINMayor of Puiseux-Pontoise, and to the members of the municipal councils present, the Cergy-Pontoise Urban Community and Board Départemental du Val d’Oise to note the advanced state of waste removal and the efficiency of the sorting platform, carried out by REVA. It was also an opportunity to present in situ the future focal points of the landscape renewal and agricultural redevelopment that will be carried out thanks to inert soil inputs by ECT, starting in the 2nd quarter of 2022, after the site has been cleaned up.


Within six months, the illegal dump at Boissy-Puiseux had become one of the largest in the Ile-de-France region, with 14,000 M3 of illegal waste.

6,000 tonnes / 14,000 m3 of waste were deposited on the site.

  • December 4, 2017: Start of illegal land occupation and intensive illegal dumping activities. The landfill covers 30% public land (CACP) and 70% private land, in the 2 municipalities of Boissy-L’Aillerie and Puiseux-Pontoise.
  • May 5, 2018: The Prefecture puts an end to the illegal landfill. The site entrance is secured by concrete blocks at the entrance to the farm road.

Faced with the scale of the rehabilitation costs, the public authorities asked ECT for help. The Val d’Oise Prefecture would like to find a solution for waste removal and site renaturation.

Financing site rehabilitation by reusing excavated inert soil
After consultation with the various stakeholders – private landowners, the Communauté d’Agglomération, the municipalities of Boissy-l’Aillerie and Puiseux-Pontoise, the Val d’Oise Departmental Council and the French government’s decentralized services – ECT defined a qualitative, agricultural and landscape project.
Bringing in inert soil excavated from construction sites and reusing it on the site gives ECT the financial capacity to remove waste and rehabilitate the site.
The redevelopment of the site is established by means of a development permit examined by the local authorities and an environmental authorization application examined by the French government.

  • Transforming the site to restore its agricultural and landscape vocation
    1st half 2022: ECT assumes the cost of disposal and treatment of the 14,000 m3 of waste. These operations are processed by REVA.
  • From the second half of 2022 to autumn 2024, inert soil will be brought in, and agricultural, landscaping and environmental work carried out.

The project calls for the restoration of agricultural areas and the recreation of a mosaic of natural environments (grassy, shrubby and wooded).
It takes into account the land, heritage and environmental constraints specific to the site and to the Parc Naturel Régional du Vexin Français.

Key project figures


metric tons

14,000 m3 of waste removed



plot surface



woodland planting and 0.6 ha of shrubbery



creation of herbaceous environments



reconstitution of agricultural land

About ECT

ECT’s growth is part of a circular economy strategy: reusing inert soil from construction sites to work with local authorities on concerted, sustainable development projects.
Key figures : Founded in 1997 | 200 employees | Some 15 sites in operation in the Paris region | 13 million tonnes of excavated material processed annually | Between 10,000 and 30,000 trees planted per year.


Ariane Gateau – 01 58 65 10 72

Sarah El Adak – 01 41 34 22 88

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