Transforming a derelict site in Mazingarbe (62)

Apports de terres site Mazingarbe

Since summer 2024, excavated soil from the construction sites of our partners – Varet Environnement, Verrier et Fils, Métropole TP, Lherbier and Briqueteries du Nord – has been helping to transform the landscape at the foot of terril 49 in Mazingarbe. The soil comes from construction sites within a 22 km radius, and is part of a circular economy. The soil is used to create an urban forest, a seed orchard and a reprofiled agricultural area, while at the same time combating the invasion of Giant Hogweed, a plant that is dangerous for local biodiversity.

The traceability of inert soil is at the heart of this project. Each input is checked at source, inspected on entry to the ECT site and rigorously monitored right through to its final placement. This traceability ensures the quality of the soil for the final landscaping.  

This project symbolizes our commitment to the sustainable recovery of excavated soil, while contributing to the rehabilitation of landscapes in partnership with local stakeholders and the Espaces Naturels Régionaux (ENRx).

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