TERRITORIALIS and ECT Webconference, Tuesday, October 5, 10:30 a.m.

Tuesday October 5, Webconference to present ECT's circular economy model:

As part of our participation in


on Tuesday October 5, Guillaume Pasquier,ECT Development Director, will host a webconference. On the theme: “Renaturating derelict and abandoned sites through the circular economy of excavated soil”.

Tuesday, October 5, at 10:30 a.m. â–¶To register for the web conference, click


â–¶ How to renaturalize wasteland using excavated building and civil engineering soil?
â–¶ What are the characteristics of a site eligible for ECT intervention?
â–¶ How does ECT guarantee the traceability of the soil used in its projects?

With 30 years of experience, ECT offers to carry out environmental or societal projects that are not built. The projects are self-financed and therefore free of charge for local authorities, thanks to the use of excavated soil from construction sites. A true circular economy solution, the ECT model guarantees full traceability of the soil used. ECT carries out turnkey projects in collaboration with local authorities.

Territorialis 2022: "Knowing how to act in tomorrow's world":

TERRIORIALIS will be held in Bordeaux on October 13, 14 and 15, 2022. This national event is aimed at all local and regional managers. This year’s theme is “Knowing how to act in tomorrow’s world”. Three days of exchange and information on the many issues facing local authorities: ecological and energy transition, and innovation.

Guillaume Pasquier, Development Director, and Déborah Mieszkalski, Partnership and Land Manager, will be present at the show. And we look forward to welcoming you to the ECT stand ▶ stand no. 10

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