ECT and EIVP are organizing the third conference of the “Valorisation des Terres Urbaines” chair, to be held on January 21 and 22, 2025 at the École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris.
Urban land : what uses for resilient territories ?
This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the place of urban land in planning policies, integrating contemporary issues linked to resilience and adaptation to climate change, while taking into account the new dynamics of the territorial circular economy.
On the program:
- Concrete examples drawn from field experience.
- Innovative concepts for the management and recovery of excavated soil.
- A dialogue on the challenges of soil desartificialisation.
- Territorial and environmental perspectives.
The discussions at this conference will be based on two reference works: “La terre dans tous ses états“ (Presses des Ponts) and “Terres urbaines: valeurs positives pour la ville de demain“ (Éditions Eyrolles), the fruit of work by the VTU Chair.