Soil and technosoil training with Sol&Co

Formation Sol&Co - verger Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin

Ten employees from various departments had the opportunity to take part in a day of training on soils and technosols organized by the Sol&Co consultancy.
The first day, led by Quentin Vincent, began with a theoretical session on soil analysis and its essential role in ecosystems.
In the afternoon, it was off to ECT’s Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site for practical exercises.

The importance of soil diversity

Soil diversity is a pillar of biodiversity.
Soils are home to almost 50% of the world’s biodiversity.
They play a key role in maintaining ecosystems.
Particularly in an anthropized context, it is crucial to properly qualify soils in order to assign them appropriate uses.

Designing layouts in harmony with the soil

At the ECT site in Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin, training continued with a pedological analysis of various soils that have received inert fill from the construction industry cultivated farmland and orchards.
On the program : development of a sampling plan, sampling and analysis of horizons, their texture, granulometry and pH, and observation of microfauna.

A key point to remember : it’s essential to adapt environments and developments to the soil’s potential.
That’s why our projects integrate a plant palette in keeping with the reconstituted soils.
This approach enables us to restore and maintain the soil’s essential functions.

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