Renaturation and development of natural space

Temporary closure


Address :

RD 838

Cité de l'Alouetterie


GPS coordinates

48.6008494, 2.0678437

See itinerary :

Compulsory access and circulation

A compulsory route must be followed via the A10 motorway

  • Exit N°10 Dourdan
  • Take the D149 then the D988 towards Limours 
  • Then take the D838 towards Forges-les-Bains
  • Proof of passage through the Dourdan toll plaza is required, or the toll will be refused.
View access map

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 7.00am - 4.15pm*.
*Last inbound truck
The site will be closed from Tuesday, December 26 to Friday, December 29, 2023 (inclusive).

Site access conditions

Accepted materials

Inert earth (K3)


Sorted gravel

Trucks accepted

Semi 2-axle

Semi 3-axle



Site traffic plan

Your Contacts

Site manager

Dimitri EVANNO

N° de tél 06 03 12 02 18


The excavation site must be validated and registered by ECT with a PAD.

BTP Customer Area

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Real-time information

How do you use the land on this site?
Which ECT project?

Icon - Aménagement Sécurisation

Backfilling and securing a former clay quarry

Filling in and securing the former clay quarry in order to propose a project for the renaturation and development of a natural area.

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