Signing of a cooperation agreement for the development of the Eyes of the Sky project

At the official launch of A.Grumbach’s “Les Yeux du Ciel”, the CARPF and Le-Mesnil-Amelot and Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin signed a cooperation agreement with ECT to develop the project.

The signing took place in the presence of the Prefecture of the IDF Region. It was an opportunity for the signatories to reaffirm their commitment to this emblematic project for the development of Seine-et-Marne.

  • Béatrice Abollivier, Prefect of Seine-et-Marne
  • Patrick Renaud, Chairman of the Communauté d’Agglomération de Roissy Pays de France
  • Gilles Chauffour mayor of Villeneuve sous Dammartin
  • Alain Aubry, Mayor of Mesnil-Amelot
  • Laurent Mogno, President of ECT

The project will be 1 km from Mesnil-Amelot station (77), terminus of line 17 of the Grand Paris Express, and already benefits from its proximity to CDG-Roissy airport. That’s why “Les Yeux du Ciel” aims to become a major tourist attraction in Seine-et-Marne. And welcome visitors and tourists from the Greater Paris region.

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