Safety and environment: training employees in the field

At ECT sites, the safety of our employees and customers is a daily concern. Everyone on site plays a key role. A portrait of the job and its challenges.

The role of the usher

The usher has a key role to play in ensuring compliance with unloading and safety regulations. The duties of the usher are :

  • Dispatching trucks to the unloading area
  • Checking that drivers comply with safety instructions
  • Checking that trucks are unloaded safely in the control area
  • Checking the conformity of unloaded materials
  • Keeping the unloading area clean.

By 2023, 100% of our sales staff will be trained in quality, environmental and safety issues.

In-house, dedicated training is provided to raise awareness of the 3 key challenges facing sales staff:

Quality: checking the conformity of excavated soil received at our sites. This control is visual and olfactory. Procedures to be followed in the event of land refusal.

Safety: the job of the ushers is to ensure their own safety: wearing PPE, standing in front or to the side during unloading. And also to ensure the safety of our customers during unloading: respecting distances when unloading, making sure that trucks use the right direction of travel.

Environment: implementation of good environmental practices, sorting of industrial and packaging waste and management of environmental emergencies.

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