The Journal du Grand Paris, in its March special issue no. 49 on Public Works, devotes a company portrait to ECT. Interviewed by Jacques Paquier, Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, talks about the high potential for reusing inert soil excavated from construction sites.
ECT, France's leading recycler of excavated soil
Laurent Mogno outlines the key elements of ECT’s business: “In the Paris region, 25 million tonnes of soil are excavated every year. ECT manages on average between 10 and 15 million tonnes per year. Our circular economy model enables us to transform damaged sites by reusing them. In consultation with local authorities, are born useful development projects: landscaped parks, sports trails, leisure areas. These developments are carried out in compliance with land traceability requirements.”
Land traceability and new regulations
This special issue also includes an article on land regulation. Journalist Guillaume Ducable describes “how the public works sector is adapting to new regulations”.
Visit AGEC(anti-waste for a circular economy) law of 2020 structured the recycling landscape in the building and civil engineering sector, introducing extended producer responsibility (EPR). EPR has a direct impact on a business sector that had not waited for regulatory injunctions to take up the issue. Interviewed, Reda Semlali, President of UNEV also explains the establishment and importance of the Chronological Registers and the National Register of Waste, Excavated Soil and Sediment. A step forward in the empowerment of each player.