Reservations required for all customers on all sites

Scheduling deliveries to ECT sites

ECT plans soil deliveries to its sites, which means that our customers are obliged to make reservations for all deliveries.

The objective

  1. Control the volumes of materials delivered to our outlets.
  2. Enable our customers to optimize their waiting time on site.
  3. Secure their own delivery schedule.

For this reason, from Monday December 2, 2019, reservations are mandatory for access to all ECT sites, without exception.

To help our customers plan these bookings, ECT has set up a dedicated back-office service.

Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

  • By telephone: 01 60 54 57 53
  • By e-mail:

Please note: reservations made by e-mail must be confirmed by the reservations department. Simply sending an e-mail does not constitute a reservation.

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