Reopening of the ECT site at Chevannes (91)

Development of the equestrian sports center using excavated soil

From Monday February 28, the ECT site in Chevannes (91- Essonne) reopens its doors to the inflow of excavated soil from construction sites. Excavated earth from construction sites in the south of Ile-de-France will be used to create the contours and gradients required for dressage, training and cross-country competition .

For further information on soil input conditions and access restrictions, please contact

An eco-designed project respecting the circular economy

On this site, the principle of the circular economy of excavated soil has enabled us to design a project that enhances the attractiveness of the commune and meets the needs of the future operator of the equestrian center.

To carry out this project, ECT is drawing on the expertise of several partners:

  • Essonne Departmental Riding Committee
  • the town of Chevannes (91-Essonne)
  • landscape architect Laurent Latte of CPA Conseils.

Here the video presenting this exemplary project and interviewing the parties involved.


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