Rentrée littéraire – “The earth in all its states

ECT / EIVP Chair in soil reclamation from urban construction sites

EIVP, a leading urban engineering school, and ECT, the French leader in excavated soil reclamation, have organized a first symposium in April 2019 “La Terre dans tous ses états” (Earth in all its states). The symposium gave rise to the idea of a collective work, published by Presses des Ponts. This book was produced under the direction of Bernard Landau, Chairman of the EIVP’s Public Space, Planning and Mobility teaching and research department, and Youssef Diab, Scientific Director of the EIVP. It is prefaced by Antoine Grumbach, Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme and Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the ECT/EIVP Chair.

Livre la terre dans tous ses états

"1001 ways to add value to land

Every year in the Paris region, almost 10 million m3 of inert soil – the equivalent of 4 Khéops pyramids – are involved in public and private works. This quantity is a barometer of the Metropole’s edilitary action.
This book, the result of the “La terre dans tous ses états” conference, reveals the thousand and one ways in which this inert soil can be put to good use. The virtuous opportunity to make this production visible in a circular economy and ecological compensation approach is at the heart of approaches that are often ignored.

A wide variety of solutions will be explored, ranging from the reclamation of polluted areas and the filling in of quarries, to the creation of planted parks, areas restored to agricultural use, the transformation of soil into building materials or topsoil, the creation of land art or urban engineering works.

The book is on sale in all good bookshops.

"The earth is a wonderful resource

The Earth in all its states

A new book for the September 2020 literary season

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