Renewed partnerships with Humanité et Biodiversité, ENSP and EIVP in 2021

ECT looks forward to continuing these engaging, stimulating and demanding partnerships.

A renewed partnership with the Humanité & Biodiversité association

In 2019, ECT and the Humanité & Biodiversité association signed a charter of commitment to biodiversity. At the end of 2020, this charter will be supplemented by methodological reflections. And the publication of an in-house operational method for designing our facilities.

Designed in the form of fact sheets, this method is an aid to achieving the commitments made in the Charter. This is a proactive approach for the company. It aims to go beyond the regulations in force under the Environmental Code or the Town Planning Code.

In 2021, ECT is renewing its partnership with Humanité et Biodiversité.

Landscape Chair with ENSP.

The 2-year renewal of the “Terres et Paysage” chair is the result of a fruitful partnership with the École nationale supérieure de paysage de Versailles. Initiated in 2019, our ambition is to explore the interactions between landscape and land in motion. And to encourage reflection on landscape integration and the creation of new landscapes through the reuse of land.

Chair in “Land reclamation from urban construction sites”.

In 2021 and 2022, this teaching and research chair will continue to disseminate knowledge on land reclamation.

This unique chair in France has initiated several transdisciplinary cooperation projects between the company and EIVP’s urban engineering courses:

  • integrating excavated soil issues into engineering courses,
  • organization of meetings and a scientific symposium
  • publication of a collective work at the end of 2020, “La terre dans tous ses états”, edited by Bernard Landau and Youssef Chahine

Latest news

San Frnacisco - Camion client

Landify US opens a site in Garnet, Palm Springs, California Landify US continues to expand with the opening of a new site in Garnet, Palm Springs. This site, dedicated to the management of inert soil and materials from the

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An ecological management guide to ensure the long-term future of our green spaces

Every ECT green development project is part of an approach to environmental enhancement and biodiversity preservation. This consideration of ecological issues begins at the design stage. It must continue after

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Substrat fertile - La Courneuve

ECT site in La Courneuve : fertile substrate production platform with Faiseurs de Terres

ECT’s site in La Courneuve, Seine-Saint-Denis, recently obtained authorization to produce fertile substrate, an important step in our commitment to the circular economy. This project will be developed in partnership

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