Recycling and reuse at the Van Pelt site in Lens

A project in partnership with the EPF Hauts-de-France, which supports a wide range of recycling and reuse initiatives.

Creating an urban forest from excavated construction soil

The renaturation of the site is possible thanks to the application of the principle of the circular economy of inert soils. By reusing excavated soil from local construction sites, this wasteland can be rehabilitated and transformed. Renaturation and planting operations are financed by ECT through the contribution of excavated soil.

Lens - Article - recycler en faveur de la biodiversité

Recycling for biodiversity

On the site, abandoned nozzles will be reused: they will become a habitat for hibernating bats.

Sand brought in from the old racks at the waste disposal center will create micro-habitats for wild bees and other sand-loving insects.

Creating a fresco on an old industrial panel

For two days, graffiti artist Bertrand Parse and his “Red Bricks” collective created a fresco on an old industrial panel on the site. It will be visible from the nearby freeway. This street-art piece evokes the flora and fauna of the future urban forest: bats, bees, trees and shrubs. And transports the viewer with a glance.

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