63 Boulevard de Tahiti 62160 Grenay
GPS coordinates :
50.442507, 2.757485
Transforming derelict land into a site for local urban market gardening

Types of layout
Urban farm
Issues :
Green in the city
Landscaping completed
Project presentation
This local urban market gardening project is being carried out in partnership with the Grenay municipality and the Activ’Cités local authority. The local association carried out preparatory work to clean up the site (removal of garbage and elimination of Japanese knotweed). In May, land from local worksites will be used to create 5 market gardening zones and an orchard covering a total area of 3,300 m².
Key figures
May 2023
Soil contributions for a period of 1 month
area rehabilitated for market gardening and orchards
Summer Autumn 2023
Development of market gardening areas by ECT

Project life

A project carried out in partnership with Activ'Cités
October 2023 – An urban vegetable garden to recreate social ties. ECT worked in partnership with the town of Grenay and the Activ’Cités local authority, which enabled a 3,300m² urban market gardening project to be carried out over the summer. Activ’Cités management details the project’s ambitions and analyzes the partnership with ECT as “financial leverage and advice on the project”.

A project driven by the principles of the circular economy
The redevelopment of the site is being carried out in partnership with Grenay town council and Activ’Cités, an association working in the field of green space management. Following on from its initial projects, the association aims to develop food production projects (local production and social inclusion).
After initial work carried out by Activ’Cités (cleaning up and eliminating Japanese knotweed), the soil will be used to create 5 market garden areas and a 3,300 m² orchard.
The project is being carried out and financed through the reuse of inert soil from local construction sites. ECT’s expertise ensures the analysis, characterization, traceability and control of incoming materials.