- Seine-et-Marne (77)

Tertre des Roches
77000 Vaux-le-Pénil

GPS coordinates :

48.525732, 2.710475

Transform Tertre des Roches into a nature and leisure area

Types of layout

Nature area, reforestation

Issues :

Brownfield redevelopment



In project

Project presentation

The aim of the project is to restore and revitalise a neglected and run-down site. In partnership with the municipality of Vaux-le-Pénil, the development plans to restore the natural environments and recreate a landscape unit, in conjunction with the other surrounding mounds. This new walking area, open to the public, will be enhanced by a belvedere and equipped with sports equipment and benches. Quiet areas will be reserved for biodiversity.

Key figures


Start of work

1 month

duration of soil inputs






surface area, including 2.3 ha of woodland



sports facilities



offering a view of the mounds


Logo Vaux le Pénil - City of Vaux le Pénil logo

Project life

Insertion paysagère, du parc paysager de Vaux-le-Pénil, vue sur le paysage - Vaux-le-Pénil landscape park, view of the landscape

Rehabilitating the Rochers mound

The Vaux-le-Pénil redevelopment project is a response to the degradation of this site, marked by backfilling and illegal dumping. The reclamation of inert soil from local construction sites on the site will enable us to rehabilitate this derelict land and transform the site, giving it a new use as a natural and recreational area. The rehabilitation of the site is directly self-financed by the circular economy of inert soil.

The aim of the project is threefold : to restore natural environments, create a landscape unit in harmony with the surrounding mounds, and open up the park to the public.

In partnership with the municipality, this project will be accessible to all and will become a space for relaxation, sports and landscape observation.

  • a belvedere with an orientation table offering panoramic views and inviting visitors to explore the surrounding valleys
  • a path with six sports apparatus and benches for various sports activities
  • a quiet zone to preserve and promote local biodiversity.

Further information

Environmental and social quality of ECT development projects

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Financing and project development

Other achievements

  • Creating a leisure and relaxation area in the Parc des Berges de la Souchez

    Loison-sous-Lens (62)

  • Insertion paysagère du projet de Houdain, Parc Chaussée Brunehaut - Landscape integration of the Houdain project, Chaussée Brunehaut Park

    Develop the Chaussée Brunehaut Park, a nature area open to the public


  • Developing an agricultural and ecological revival on a damaged site


  • Insertion paysagère projet Auby - © Voila Graphic Design

    Transforming a brownfield site into an urban park

    Auby (59) - Nord (59)

  • Shaping a landscaped park on a former quarry site

    Clichy-sous-Bois (93)

  • Safeguarding farmland and ecological continuity

    Roissy-en-Brie (77)

  • A mountain bike trials competition stadium for a local association

    Epône (78)

  • Planting an urban forest on brownfield land

    Lens (62)

  • Go for a sporty walk

    Iverny (77)

  • A sports, inclusive and educational park: the Parc de l'Arboretum

    Moissy-Cramayel (77)

Further information

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Environmental and social quality of ECT development projects

Financing and project development

Land traceability, a major challenge

See our examples of achievements

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