Our subsidiaries :

Loison-sous-Lens (62)

- Pas-de-Calais (62)

Rue Emilie Basly
62218 Loison-sous-Lens

GPS coordinates :

50.436387, 2.863485

Creating a leisure and recreation area in the Parc des Berges de la Souchez

Types of layout

Icon - Aménagement Parc Urbain

Nature area, reforestation

Issues :


Green in the city


In operation,
soil inputs

Project presentation

This project, eco-designed with the Commune of Loison-sous-Lens, will complete the site’s facilities. This site is part of the Souchez riverbank park. The development of this part of the park will provide a viewpoint over the banks of the Souchez. This urban nature park and its facilities will provide a place for relaxation, leisure and nature in the city (woodland, wetlands, orchards, copses).

Key figures

September 2023

Start of soil inputs for a 4-month period


trees planted

Winter 2024

Development of the park to open to the public in spring-summer 2025


park development


Project life

Berges de la Souchez park project nears completion

May 2024 – The Berges de la Souchez project, carried out in close collaboration with the town of Loison-sous-Lens, is taking shape to offer residents a new space for leisure and relaxation. Despite particularly difficult weather conditions, the local integration association Nœux Environnement and our green spaces teams succeeded in planting 500 trees, sowing a prairie lawn and maintaining the site to ensure optimum vegetation cover. At the same time, our operations teams took in the last of the inert soil from local construction and public works sites, enabling the ground contours to be finalised.

September 2023, earthworks in progress

September 2023 – The project begins with an earthmoving phase to prepare the land to receive inert soil from local construction sites. The traceability of this soil is a major challenge. From the excavation site to the reception site, the expertise of ECT’s services will ensure the analysis, characterisation, traceability and control of the materials for the 4 months during which the soil is brought in.

A project driven by the principles of the circular economy

This reinforcement project was eco-designed with the municipality of Loison-sous-Lens and carried out by ECT Hauts-de-France.
The site is part of the Souchez Riverbank Park. The project will complete the site’s facilities. The creation of a belvedere will provide a view of the banks of the Souchez.
The project has a number of different functions:
– a place for relaxation, leisure and nature in the city, with the creation of woodland, copses, wetlands and an orchard,
– a space for meetings and entertainment, with the possibility of installing dance halls.

All the plants planted will come from the region’s flora and will be labelled “local plants” (certified regional origin).

Further information

Icon - Feuille

Environmental and social quality of ECT development projects

Financing and project development

Land traceability, a major challenge

See our examples of achievements