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Re-cultivation and 1st harvest at Louvres (95)

At the former ECT site in Louvres, the corn harvest went well.

After finalizing the inert soils used to rehabilitate the site, ECT worked to reconstitute the top layer of the agricultural horizon. This necessitated reworking and resealing the topsoil stripped at the start of the rise. To recultivate the land, and despite very wet weather at the beginning of May, the farmer was able to sow corn. 6 months later, in October under threatening skies, the corn harvest was successfully completed.

Here is the farmer’s feedback on this first harvest

“To appreciate the quality of a harvest, we need to consider the specific context of the site and the year. As far as this harvest is concerned, the corn was sown a little late in the season (May 5, 2021) on soil that was still freshly disturbed and, at least in part, not yet “rested”.

In this context, and with limited intervention, corn emergence and soil preparation were satisfactory, and weed control was good. Generally speaking, the technical and agronomic management was optimal, reasoned and in line with the “probable potential of the plot”.

Maize growth was good, thanks to favorable late spring and summer rainfall: 337.2 mm of rain between 5/05 and 10/20, i.e. half the average annual rainfall. On the other hand, heavy rainfall was a handicap at harvest time, with some wet areas. That said, harvesting took place under generally satisfactory conditions.

The result, for a first year of recultivation, is in line with the target set.

We should now try to plant a winter crop (barley or wheat) to help rebuild the soil’s physical structure, and allow rapeseed to be planted in autumn 2022 to take advantage of this plant’s taproot. Organic, nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium fertilization will be based on analyses carried out next spring.

There are still a few low, slightly damp spots to be seen, and the soil structure needs to be protected as much as possible.

In conclusion, a first harvest with no particular concerns for the years to come.”

ECT was pleased to take part in this first harvest

Discover the photo report of the corn harvest

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