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Protecting a site, improving the living environment

Inert soil from local construction sites can be reused to create protective embankments. This land reclamation covers the cost of landscaping. The site thus finds a new use and is home to new natural environments (meadows, copses, woods).

The phonic mound becomes a landscaped area that enhances the attractiveness of the area

THE CHALLENGE: the increase in rail infrastructures and the densification of traffic create a context of growing noise. In order to maintain the quality of life in their area, some communities need to reduce noise pollution. The challenge is to provide a rapid development solution to restore and preserve the commune’s living environment. And to enhance the value of areas exposed to noise.

TAKE ACTION: using soundproofing to heighten noise levels enables us to enhance the value of noise-exposed areas through appropriate and effective development. Landscaped merlons make it possible to :

  • improve residential quality of life,
  • increase the real estate value of homes,
  • enhance the town’s appeal, while offering new places to stroll and discover nature.

Local residents reclaim the area

The new wooded areas and slopes created by the shaping of the merlon are eco-designed. This model of consultation can be adapted to each development project, to gather the wishes and needs of the community while taking action for biodiversity. The aim is for local residents to take lasting ownership of these renaturalized areas.

Protecting a site, improving the living environment

Examples of sound and visual barriers

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