[PRESSE] Inauguration of the new Arboretum park, an official event covered by the press

On  June 22, 2019, Line Magne, mayor of Moissy-Cramayel and Laurent Mogno, president of ECT  inaugurated the new Arboretum park.

Local residents and sports associations welcomed the creation of the new park. And let’s not forget the associations of disabled people who took part in drawing up the PMR specifications, and who were discovering how they would be implemented.

This new park is the result of the reunification of 2 mounds of inert soil. It offers Moissé residents a new planted promenade, a landscaped, friendly space.

The event was covered by various newspapers:

“Moissy-Cramayel: le parc de l’Arboretum a poussé au-dessus des déchets de chantier”, an article by Marie-Charlotte Dutheil, published on 24/07/2019, for Le Parisien.

“Seine-et-Marne. Moissy-Cramayel residents take the key to the fields with the arboretum”, an article by Vanessa Relouzat, published on 01/07/2019, for La République de Seine-et-Marne.

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