[Presse] Annet-sur-Marne: the transformation of the ECT site into a solar park has begun

To symbolize the start of construction of the 17 MW solar power plant in Annet-sur-Marne, the first panel was officially installed on November 14.

In March 2019, ECT and Akuo join forces to create a joint subsidiary ACT-E. Its aim: to develop solar energy in the Paris region. The first operation is due to start in November. On November 14, the first photovoltaic panel for the future Les Gabots solar power plant was officially installed. In the presence of the mayor of Annet-sur-Marne, Christian Marchandeau, and the vice-president of the regional council, Jean-Philippe Dugoin-Clément.

The 19-hectare project includes the installation of 44,000 solar panels. This is why the work will continue until the end of summer 2020.

Hendrick Delaire, a journalist with Le Parisien, was present at the event to hear what the various speakers had to say:

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