Portrait of an account manager, at the heart of the commercial relationship with our construction customers

4 questions to Elise Lam, ECT Account Manager

Hello Elise, what does your job at ECT involve?

Our earthmoving customers often have a high-voltage business. They’re busy people in a hurry. I have to be very responsive to their requests, from the commercial offer for the disposal of their site soil to the use of their secure customer area.

Each site is unique. It’s important to understand their needs, especially their constraints. My expertise lies in being their privileged contact. We need to be able to meet all their demands. Our commitment to our construction customers goes far beyond the simple signing of a sales offer.

Our sales approach is global. My job also involves coordinating customer requests with other ECT departments. These include the Quality Department, which validates PADs, the Environmental Department, which characterizes worksites, and the Reservations Department, which plans soil inputs on sites.

Since my arrival 5 months ago, I’ve taken the initiative of meeting each and every one of my customers to establish contact and introduce them to the extent of ECT’s offer and services for the management of construction site soil.

And what services does ECT offer?

What makes my job interesting is that ECT is the leader in soil management for urban construction sites. We offer our customers all types of excavated soil disposal. We have the capacity to handle both real estate and infrastructure construction sites.

We handle all types of soil. Inert soils, K3+ and sulfated soils are received on sites directly operated by ECT. Soil impacted by hydrocarbons is treated at ECT’s facility in La Courneuve (93). Other types of land are managed through intermediation.

The company benefits from an environmental engineering service. Our teams analyze the nature of the soil, identify and optimize treatment processes. They ensure traceability in accordance with regulatory procedures. This support takes the form of the presence of environmental technicians on customer sites. We need to integrate all these aspects quickly to provide the best possible support.

How does our commercial offering stand out from the competition?

ECT stands out in the market for its personalized approach to each job and its technical expertise. We support our customers as regulations evolve. For example, with regard to the traceability of excavated soil, we help them directly to transmit the necessary information to the National Waste and Sediment Register (RNDTS).

We take an innovative approach and develop new offers to provide them with a complete solution for each of their operations.

Finally, ECT offers the densest network of outlets in the Paris region, with sites open all year round and the capacity to handle large volumes .My job demands a high level of responsiveness and reliability, fortunately backed up by an efficient sales organization.

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