One year on, ECT Hauts-de-France strengthens its local presence

ECT Hauts-de-France celebrates its first year. Julien Golaszewski, the company’s director, takes stock.

How did ECT's first year of development in the Hauts-de-France region go?

It was a very intense year, rich in encounters and project development. We received an excellent welcome and strong interest from local public and private players. When the agency opened in November 2022, we had an operation in progress, the transformation of the Van Pelt site in Lens into an urban forest. A project led by the EPF des Hauts-de-France at the request of the local authority. This demonstration project for the ecological treatment of the region’s wasteland has been awarded the Euralens label by the Pôle Métropolitain de l’Artois,

In 2023, other projects in the Bassin Minier area were launched. First of all, in Grenay, with the creation of an urban market gardening area over the summer, in partnership with the commune and the Activ’Cités association .And at the end of the year, we are finalizing the development of a leisure and relaxation area at theentrance to the Parc des Berges de la partnership with the commune of Loison-sous-Lens. The last plantings will take place in early 2024. They were delayed by disastrous weather conditions in November.

Our participation in the salons des Maires du Nord and Pas-de-Calais shows that local players are more aware of ECT’s activities. The development of derelict land is financed by the reclamation of excavated soil from local construction sites. These projects respond to locally identified needs: urban parks, biodiversity zones, agricultural areas with pastures and orchards, outdoor sports and leisure areas.

I sense a real appetite among local authorities and landowners in the Hauts-de-France region for this model of financing environmental projects at no cost to the community. This augurs well for the region’s future projects.

Have you developed any local partnerships?

Our aim is to integrate our projects into the local fabric. Each project is built with the community and its partners to integrate it into a regional and local dynamic.

We work with associations such as Noeux-Environnement to green our sites, notably on the Loison-sous-Lens project. A first project in Grenay gave us the opportunity to work with Activ’Cités, and we hope to develop others. We also have discussions underway with Anges Gardins. These associations work to promote integration, education and the development of new social practices. Our development model facilitates a partnership in financing their projects.

ECT is also involved in sustainable development education in elementary school. Educational outings are organized in Lens and Loison-sous-Lens for schools near the sites. Schoolchildren learn about the circular economy of excavated earth from the construction industry, and are introduced to biodiversity. We also offer them the chance to help plant trees and thus contribute to the renaturation of the site.

Finally, we are very proud to be ambassadors for the Bassin Minier. And to support their events. Like the 8th edition of the Pyramides Noires trail and the2nd edition of TETOP (Territoire à Energie Populaire) organized in Sains-en-Gohelle, from November 18, 2023 to January 13, 2024.

How do the projects we've carried out address local issues?

Our proposal echoes the region’s desire to develop its industrial and urban wastelands and derelict land. Our strength lies in designing projects that are self-financed by land contributions. The first concern is to give the site a new use, in line with the aspirations of the local area.

The presence at the ECT Hauts-de-France branch of Guillaume Lemoine, an ecologist with an excellent knowledge of the region, strengthens our local expertise. Landscape integration, biodiversity preservation and the recreation of ecological environments are truly at the heart of our development design.

We look forward to continued growth in 2024, and to continuing to work with local partners in a spirit of trust. By proposing environmental developments as well as outdoor sports and leisure projects.

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