ECT strengthens its CSR commitment with a supplier charter
The sustainability of our business is based on a responsible approach and the collective commitment of all our employees and stakeholders. With this in mind, we have set up a
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“What to do with excavated soil on building sites”, an article by Sibylle Vincendon in Libération
Artificial hills on the ECT Moissy-Cramayel site The town hall of Moissy-Cramayel (Seine-et-Marne) will soon be inaugurating a park created entirely from recycled soil. What to do with soil excavated
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“Remuer pelles et terres”, an article by Sybille Vincendon in Libération
Stirring up shovels and earth By Sibylle Vincendon – April 12, 2019 at 11:24 am [Each week, a story about towns, villages and urban issues. Today, the fate of tons
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Laurent Mogno talks to Radio-Immo about ECT and inert soils
Interviewed by Radio Immo at the AMIF trade show, Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, talks about the high reuse potential of excavated inert soil. It unveils its strategies for identifying
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“When excavated soil from Greater Paris benefits regional planning”, an article by Giuletta Gamberini in La Tribune
[The ECT company reuses this land to transform denatured areas into urban parks or agricultural fields. March 27, 2019, an article by Giulette Gamberini in the TRIBUNE The enormous volumes
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Paris, March 12, 2019: Akuo Energy, France’s leading independent producer of distributed renewable energy, and ECT, a developer of sites through the reuse of soil from real estate and construction
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From land to orchard, Moissy-Cramayel children plant trees in the future Arboretum Park
Radiant sunshine for schoolchildren from Moissy-Cramayel (77) who took part in a day of discovery of the future “Parc de l’Arboretum”. This park was created by ECT using inert soil
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First symposium on the reuse of inert soil by EIVP and ECT -April 2020
The earth is a wonderful resource! On April 9 and 10, 2019, the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris and ECT are organizing a symposium on the theme
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The virtuous circle of inert soil reuse, a France Télévision report
The France TV report on “Les Yeux du Ciel” is an opportunity for Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, to illustrate the virtuous circle of inert soil reuse. This land will
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Land reclamation by securing quarries on France 2’s 8 p.m. news programme
France 2’s February 14, 2019 TV newscast retraces the route taken to reclaim excavated soil from the Grand Paris Express. ECT uses some of the soil from the site to
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