


Antoine Oury, ECT’s new Operations Manager

Antoine Oury, ECT’s new Operations Manager, joined the company in August 2024.Find out more about his background and motivations. Who are you? Where are you from? I trained as a

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Antoine Oury - responsable exploitation
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Press Releases
Japanese Knotweed

Management of construction site soil impacted by invasive alien plant species (EVEE)

Biodiversity and construction According to the IUCN, invasive alien species (IAS) are one of the five global causes of biodiversity loss, along with habitat destruction, direct resource exploitation, climate change

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Circular economy diagram for inert soils

World Recycling Day: what happens to inert soil?

March 18 is World Recycling Day, a reminder of the major circular issues surrounding the recycling and reuse of construction waste and materials! This is the core business of ECT,

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Portrait of an account manager, at the heart of the commercial relationship with our construction customers

4 questions to Elise Lam, ECT Account Manager Hello Elise, what does your job at ECT involve? Our earthmoving customers often have a high-voltage business. They’re busy people in a

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[Revue presse] Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace | ECT recycles building site soil into natural and recreational areas

Les DNA publishes an exclusive interview with Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, and Didier Haffner, Director of the Grand-Est agency, by journalist Simone Giedinger. This interview highlights ECT’s innovative projects

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Excavated earth from the construction industry: a new management offer for soil impacted by EVEEs

The construction and public works sectors are increasingly concerned with environmental protection. On construction sites, a sometimes overlooked but crucial problem is that of invasive alien plant species (IAS), which

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The Vaujours quarry as seen by photographer Lorenzo Meloni

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Lorenzo Meloni photographs the Vaujours quarry

Lorenzo Meloni, photographer and member of the renowned Magnum Photos agency, visited the underground Placo Saint-Gobain quarry in Seine-Saint-Denis (93), which has been backfilled by ECT. This exceptional collaboration is

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World Wetlands Day. Strong commitments and concrete actions for ECT

by Clara Didier, Project Manager, Ile-de-France | ECT Are wetlands a concern for ECT? Absolutely! Protecting biodiversity is a major concern and challenge for ECT projects. The level of erosion

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ECT and SAFER Ile-de-France inaugurate Grisy-Suisnes site (77)

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