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Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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Press Releases

3 questions to Jonathan Bryden, Director of the New Products Department

3 Questions to Jonathan Bryden He is director of the “New Products, New Services” department. He joined ECT in September 2019. As such, he is at the heart of the

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Installation of the first panel of one of the largest photovoltaic power plants in the Paris region

The 1st panel of the solar power plant was officially installed on November 14. In the presence of the mayor of Annet-sur-Marne, Christian Marchandeau, the vice-president of the regional council,

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An LPO / ECT partnership to help Athena’s owl

Respect for the environment and the preservation of biodiversity are at the heart of ECT’s values. That’s why we pay particular attention to the impact of our activity. Better still,

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Circular Economy Act and excavated soil management

ECT analysis of recent legislative developments concerning excavated soil management In 2020, a number of legislative and regulatory changes will have an impact on the management and reuse of excavated

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What happens to the Grand Paris Express land? A France Inter podcast

The France Inter program “La Terre au Carré” broadcast a series of reports by journalist Juliette Prouteau. This documentary mini-series takes a broad look at excavated soil from the Grand

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Humanity and Biodiversity: considering biodiversity on the scale of an entire territory

Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, President of Humanité et Biodiversité: “We need to think on a broader, regional scale. facilities to welcome species, understand where they come from and analyze the environment and

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Humanity and Biodiversity: providing opportunities for biodiversity, a real challenge

Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, President of Humanité et Biodiversité: “For our association, preserving biodiversity means taking human activities into account and ensuring that they play their part in preserving our natural capital.

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Humanity and Biodiversity: Taste, feel and appreciate biodiversity in everyday life

Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, President of Humanité et Biodiversity: “For our association, preserving and regaining the biodiversity requires us to take into consideration human activities and to ensure that all activities contribute

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HUMANITY AND BIODIVERSITY: A sensitive, cultural and social experience

Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, President of Humanité et Biodiversité: “The desire to care for nature is a sensitive experience, just like the ability to appreciate and recognize the history of a plant,

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