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Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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Press Releases

ACT-E inaugurates “Les Gabots” solar power plant, one of the largest in the ÃŽle-de-France region

France, Annet-sur-Marne, September 29, 2020 – ACT-E, a joint venture between Akuo, a French independent producer of renewable and distributed energy, and ECT, a company specializing in the recovery of

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Planting the Bois de Vincennes with fertile substrate, the press reports

ECT boosts the re-use of its inert soil. The company provides communities with undeveloped landscaping using excavated soil. And since 2019, it has initiated a process to manufacture a 100%

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Rentrée littéraire – “The earth in all its states

ECT / EIVP Chair in soil reclamation from urban construction sites EIVP, a leading urban engineering school, and ECT, the French leader in excavated soil reclamation, have organized a first

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Publication of “Terres, sols profonds du Grand Paris”, a book by photographer Anne-Marie Filaire

In 2019, photographer Anne-Marie Filaire visited 6 sites operated by ECT. Today, ECT is very proud of the publication of this book, the fruit of its reporting. Every year, 22

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A wealth of news from the ECT center for the biological treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted soil

At La Courneuve, the ECT center for the biological treatment of hydrocarbon-impacted soil was inaugurated 3 years ago. The first and only indoor facility of its kind in France, the

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ECT builds a mountain bike and trials stadium in Epône in just 4 months

A mountain bike and trial bike stadium, the only one of its kind in the Paris region, to be built in 3 months, between June and October 2020. On June

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Parc de l’Arboretum: Nature, sport, relaxation

New, green, sporty and educational, this is the Parc de l’Arboretum, inaugurated in June 2019.

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Parc de l’Arboretum: Nature in the city

Creation of a landscaped urban nature area, offering various biodiversity spots and cool islands: the orchard, the pond and an arboretum enhance the walk and the landscape. Over 11,000 trees

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Parc de l’Arboretum -Accessibility for all

Parc de l’Arboretum is accessible to all, and proudly holds the Tourism and Handicap label. The park offers a range of facilities adapted to this audience. Half of the pathways

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