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Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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Baillet-en-France (95), construction of the earth unloading platform, Placo® site

Innovation: at the Placo® site in Baillet-en-France, ECT facilitates the unloading of its customers’ soil. The new outdoor platform has been completed and is scheduled to open at the end

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Reopening of the ECT site at Chevannes (91)

Development of the equestrian sports center using excavated soil From Monday February 28, the ECT site in Chevannes (91- Essonne) reopens its doors to the inflow of excavated soil from

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ECT offers Webinars on the traceability of excavated soil

ECT puts its expertise to work for its construction customers As a major player in the recovery of excavated soil from the construction industry, ECT offers support to its customers.

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An air of spring on the meadow in front of the Chateau de Vincennes

Two years ago, the City of Paris began planting the esplanade Saint-Louis, opposite the Château de Vincennes. The town called on ECT to manufacture a fertile substrate on site, to

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Forum des travaux publics: “Investing in the ecological transition

FNTP organizes the Public Works Forum on February 24, 2022 The Grand Palais Ephémère in Paris is the venue for this event, which focuses on the ecological transition. The event

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In Iverny (77), the mayor is enthusiastic about the creation of a new community park

3 questions to Olivier Stehlin, Mayor of Iverny The project led by Iverny town council and ECT offers a new 8700 m² communal space, built around a tree-lined promenade with

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Assessing the environmental and social benefits and impacts of ECT sites

ECT assesses the environmental and social footprint of projects with a new tool As part of its environmental approach, ECT has adopted an indicator for the design and construction of

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An ECT site becomes a favorable environment for the common greenfinch

Interview with Eddie Farcy-Jirot, ecologist with the Ile-de-France Roads Authority (DiRIF) The Common Buzzard is a bird with big yellow eyes and a shrill cry. This migratory bird is a

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Top start for the renaturation of an unauthorized landfill site

Site clean-up, a key step in healing the landscape In Boissy l’Aillerie and Puiseux Pontoise, in the Val d’Oise, clean-up operations have begun. This is an essential step in moving

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