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Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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Press Releases
Press Releases

Supporting our customers in strengthening the traceability of excavated soil and incoming materials

Webinar 2023 “Regulations governing the traceability of excavated soil and materials”. ECT accompanies its customers, earthworkers, transporters and producers of excavated soil, to present the latest regulatory developments in the

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Expérimen-terre, artist Stefan Shankland’s residency on ECT sites

From May to November 2022, Stefan Shankland was in residence at ECT. It’s an opportunity to develop an artistic approach based on the company’s materials, sites and know-how. This artistic

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100% local and responsible promotional gifts

Our honeypot: a Seine-et-Marn adventure. How can you offer ultra-local, natural, responsible and ethical promotional gifts when you’re a company based in Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin, Seine-et-Marne (77)? First, the team comes up

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Boissy l'Aillerie délimitation des EEE - Boissy l'Aillerie delimitation of IAS

Biodiversity: 5 priority actions to combat invasive alien species

In this article, Aurélie Vedel, ECT’s landscaping and green spaces manager, explains her plan to combat IAS. A global biodiversity issue, a local battle for ECT Invasive alien species (IAS)

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2022 in pictures

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Best wishes 2023

All the teams at ECT wish you an excellent year, full of joy, success and children’s laughter. This greetings card was designed by 8-year-old Hector. Discover the greeting card animation

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Laurent Mogno receives an Impact Trophy

ECT Chairman wins jury’s “Coup de Coeur” award at Impact 2022 Awards 1December 5, 2022 – Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, received the Impact Trophy – Jury’s Favorite 2022. Organized

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New publication from the EIVP and ECT Chair

Paris, December 8, 2022 – The Chair in Urban Land Reclamation chair, run by the École des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris and ECT, publishes Éditions Eyrolles the book

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Discover ECT’s 2022 Advent calendar

At ECT’s request, employees’ children used felt pens, paintbrushes and glitter to illustrate the company’s activities and their parents’ jobs . The spontaneity and quality of the drawings we received

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