June 12, 2019 – Line Magne, mayor of Moissy Cramayel, Anne-Marie Démoulin, deputy mayor in charge of sustainable development, Betty Chappe, deputy mayor in charge of Chanteloup eco-district development, and Laurent Mogno, president of ECT, will inaugurate Parc de l’Arboretum, a new leisure area open to the public at the heart of the Chanteloup Arboretum eco-district, on June 22, 2019.

Parc de l'Arboretum in figures


inauguration of the Arboretum Park and opening to the public


trees planted



works for ECT’s construction of the Arboretum Park: inert soil from construction sites in the Paris region and landscaping of green spaces



paths, 50% of which are accessible to all

New, green, sporty and educational, here's the Parc de l'Arboretum.

The inauguration will be an opportunity to discover this new planted promenade on foot or by bike, offering three kilometers of paths, a street workout area and an arboretum, along two landscaped mounds. Moissy’s sports associations will be on hand, with the Foulée des enfants organized by the Inisports school, and events organized by Moissy-Cramayel Athlétisme, Moissy musculation, Rando nature et loisirs MC, Cyclo club de Moissy-Cramayel and UFOLEP de Seine-et- Marne.

Design and financing as part of a circular economy for excavated soil from construction sites. Implemented by ECT, inert soil from construction sites in the south-east of the Paris region fully financed the design of the park and the landscaping, educational and sports facilities.

"I'm delighted that this park has finally seen the light of day, and I'd like to thank ECT for bringing this ambitious project to fruition in collaboration with the town's departments. Like the city's other districts, our eco-neighborhood now benefits from its own green setting," declares Line Magne, Mayor of Moissy-Cramayel. It's a new place that the people of Moissy-Cramayel will soon be able to make their own according to their desires: walks, sports, picking small fruit trees, discovering the flora and fauna...".

Magne line
Mayor of Moissy-Cramayel

"For the past 18 months, ECT teams have been working on the construction and completion of the Parc de l'Arboretum, in consultation with the town council. It's part of ECT's vocation to create useful developments for local authorities by reusing excavated soil. The Parc de l'Arboretum is a fine example of this.

Laurent mogno
Chairman ECT

The orchard, pond and arboretum enhance the landscape and the walk.

The deliberately environmental vocation of these areas of biodiversity is accompanied by an educational component based on numerous explanatory panels. The arboretum features trees typical of the nearby Sénart forest, such as the Wild Apple, Pedunculate Oak, Alder, Birch and Yew, as well as exotic species such as the American Red Oak, Japanese Sophora and Cedar of Lebanon.

A park open to all, families, sports enthusiasts and disabled people alike

Thanks to the initiative of the town council and local associations, the Parc de l’Arboretum is accessible to all, and proudly boasts the Tourisme et Handicap label. To achieve this, it offers a system adapted to this audience. Half of the pathways are accessible to all, enabling visitors to explore the entire park. Signage and access to signage have been specifically designed with this in mind.

An eco-neighborhood that's getting prettier with the Parc de l'Arboretum

The Chanteloup eco-district is already home to new housing and an urban farm. New housing is planned. With its public leisure and shared sports facilities, the Arboretum park now represents a new vector for the residential quality of Moissy-Cramayel.


Ariane Gateau – 01 58 65 10 72

Sarah El Adak – 01 41 34 22 88

PRESS CONTACT – City of Moissy-Cramayel

Isabelle Auffret – 01 64 88 15 15 –

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