Manage your business with the ECT extranet:
dedicated, real-time information
A dedicated space with personalized information: easy access to all your ECT documents
Secure access via Internet, mobile and PC
Real-time information: DAP, transport, evacuation, billing
Complete dematerialization of your ECT documents
- View your DAPs validated by the Quality Department and which are active or non-active.
- Track accepted and remaining volumes on your DAPs in real time.
Detailed balance sheet
- Consult and download all the information you need to fill in the chronological registers.
- Download a certificate of materials received on the ECT websites
Passage coupons
- Fill in the vouchers with your references and registrations.
- Create and save a personalized directory for sending SMS messages
- Send vouchers to drivers by email or SMS.
Cumulative evacuations
Over a given period, consult, download and transmit :
- quantities of soil evacuated,
- the number of truck turns, by site, by type of soil or by DAP.
Truck rejects
Consult the reasons for each truck refusal at our ECT sites in real time.
Recovery rate
The reuse of your soil from construction sites makes it possible to carry out a wide range of non-built environmental projects. Almost all our outfalls are recovery sites and help to improve the local environment
- Export in PDF format: recovery rates for all sites
- your discharge certificates for each site with their recovery rate.
Consult, download and transmit all billing documents: invoices, credit notes.
Itineraries and information on ECT sites
For new sites and changes in operation :
- Opening and closing times
- Address, GPS point
- Mandatory routes
- Accepted soil types
- Truck types accepted
First connection to your customer area
Customer account validation by your sales representative
Receive an e-mail with the link and connection procedure
Register to your customer area by completing a form
Receive a temporary code to activate your Extranet account
BTP Customer Area
sales department