“Les défis du Grand Paris Express dans la gestion des déblais”, an article by Clémence Barral from Le Figaro

What will become of the excavated soil from the Grand Paris Express? asks Clémence Barral

Long-term management? What is to be done with the excavated soil from the stations and the tunnel boring machines?

Public authorities directly support certain projects. Others, such as “Les Yeux du Ciel”, are the brainchild of Antoine Grumbach and ECT.

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San Frnacisco - Camion client

Landify US opens a site in Garnet, Palm Springs, California

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An ecological management guide to ensure the long-term future of our green spaces

Every ECT green development project is part of an approach to environmental enhancement and biodiversity preservation. This consideration of ecological issues begins at the design stage. It must continue after

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Substrat fertile - La Courneuve

ECT site in La Courneuve : fertile substrate production platform with Faiseurs de Terres

ECT’s site in La Courneuve, Seine-Saint-Denis, recently obtained authorization to produce fertile substrate, an important step in our commitment to the circular economy. This project will be developed in partnership

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