Landify, ECT’s US subsidiary, welcomes its first excavated soil

Landify ECT Corporation, ECT's US subsidiary, welcomes its first cubic yards of excavated soil from the Californian construction industry

Landify ECT Corporation, ECT's US subsidiary, opens first site

The arrival of the first cubic yards of excavated soil from the Californian construction industry is a milestone for Landify. Taking place in the heart of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge

The salt ponds of the Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge are protected by over 70 miles of dikes. Excavated soil, previously selected and traced by Landify, will contribute directly to their maintenance, while reducing consolidationand flood control costs.

Landify set up in California in 2023. By combining technical expertise and environmental commitment, the company demonstrates its ability to meet the complex challenges of excavated soil management.

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