International development: Landify Germany

ECT operates internationally under the LANDIFY brand. French market leader, particularly in the Ile-de-France and Hauts-de-France regions, ECT has opened a subsidiary in Germany with strong ambitions in the duplication of its model for transforming derelict land through the circular economy of the excavated soil from construction sites. 

3 questions to  Guillaume Pasquier and Jan Raddatz, managers of Landify Germany.

Jan, why did you join Landify Germany?

Because the missions are varied and very interesting! ECT’s management convinced of the benefits of setting up an ECT subsidiary in Berlin, Germany. Large volumes of soil are excavated by the German construction industry. At the same time, there are numerous opportunities to renaturalize derelict land. My previous experience in project development (in renewable energies) is an asset for the successful implementation of the circular economy model for excavated soil in Germany. After six months with Landify, I’m happy with my choice. I love my job, and Landify is being developed in close collaboration with the ECT team in France. I feel very supported in this international development.

How are German local authorities and public authorities reacting to Landify's plans to transform derelict sites?

Landify initiates a lot of discussion about its model of undeveloped landscaping. We need to establish a climate of trust. The subject of land and soil pollution is hotly debated in Germany. And for the vast majority of our contacts, our approach is new. It’s important to explain our intervention methods and the implementation of land traceability. In June, we are planning a trip with German decision-makers to the Paris region to visit ECT sites. The aim is to show them our expertise in land management and the quality of the renaturation and development work carried out.

What are Landify Germany's plans?

We are working on a number of major projects involving the renaturation of former landfill sites and the construction of golf courses. A project in Potsdam, Brandenburg, near Berlin, is well advanced. We have the support of the town hall. The fauna/flora study is currently underway to determine the precise scope of the project. Other sites suitable for Landify intervention have been identified and discussions are underway with owners and elected representatives to define the outlines of possible projects. .

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