Internal audits, ISO 14001 in the field

Aurore and Cindy at ECT's Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site for an internal audit

ECT has been committed to ISO 14001 version 2015 for several years. This standard defines the environmental issues relevant to the company and its stakeholders. To guarantee the effectiveness of its Environmental Management System (EMS), ECT carries out regular internal audits. They are essential for assessing a company’s environmental performance and ensuring compliance with ISO 14001 requirements.

Audits are carried out at ECT sites. They enable us to assess our operational and day-to-day environmental commitment, and identify opportunities for improvement. On a wide range of subjects, including the reception of excavated soil, the management of construction machinery, and compliance with obligations.
This certification is essential. It enables the company to effectively structure the management and reduction of environmental impacts and risks. Validate regulatory compliance and reinforce employees’ shared commitment.

By implementing the ISO 14001 standard and carrying out regular internal audits, ECT has reaffirmed its commitment to sustainable development and its desire to make an active contribution to preserving the environment.

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