Inauguration of the ECT biological soil treatment center

On April 5, at La Courneuve (93), ECT’s first biological treatment center for hydrocarbon-polluted soil was officially inaugurated by Stéphane Troussel, President of the Conseil Départemental de Seine-Saint-Denis, André Joachim, 1st Deputy Mayor of La Courneuve, Laurent Mogno, President of ECT, and Reda Semlali, ECT’s Commercial Services Director.

An exemplary success in converting a denatured site into a biological soil treatment facility, its fully enclosed structure is unique in the 93 region, in the Ile-de-France region and probably in France. It enables polluted soil to be treated biologically, in the heart of the 93 region, close to Ile-de-France construction sites.

After the inauguration, officials visited the ECT center, which has an annual treatment capacity of 60,000 tonnes of biologically treated soil. Located in La Courneuve, this carbon-optimized center already accommodates land from northern IDF, neighboring GPE lines and, soon, Olympic construction sites.

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