In Essonne, a new project opens in Morangis

A municipal vegetable garden for more nature in the city

The new municipal kitchen garden will cover an area of 5,390 m². This sustainable market-gardening zone is intended for the city’s school restaurants.
The vegetable garden is optimized by the use of excavated soil. The damaged soil is covered by a layer of inert and fertile topsoil. The new landform also favors water management.
Last but not least, we’d like to emphasize the importance of the site’s educational role: appropriating this new environment will help to educate people about biodiversity, and encourage exchanges and sharing around the garden.

A new archery range to develop the sports offer

A new 10,000 m² outdoor archery site for the Compagnie d’Arc de Morangis club. Access to the stage will be adapted for people with reduced mobility.
This sport is carried out in complete safety thanks to the installation of a protective berm. The mound will be wooded with fruit trees planted on a layer of fertile substrate. This substrate is the result of inert soil recycling combined with green compost.

Design and figures

The project is being developed on communal land. It is entirely “eco-designed” with the town of Morangis. the aim was to define, upstream with the community, the content of the developments, their usefulness for the area and the environmental management of the site.
To reduce the impact of the work and encourage integration into the local fabric, ECT is proposing a new route for bringing soil to the site.

  • Surface area 33,000 sq.m. including 10,000 sq.m. of sports facilities and 5,390 sq.m. of urban vegetable gardens
  • Duration of work 4 months for soil input and 2 months for agricultural and sports facilities

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