Humanité & Biodiversité raises awareness of biodiversity among ECT employees

Formation Biodiversité avec Humanité et Biodiversité - Site de Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin - Biodiversity training with Humanité et Biodiversité - Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site

Biodiversity training and awareness for ECT field teams

Why and how can we take action for nature, both in our everyday lives and on ECT sites?

Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis, President of Humanité et Biodiversité, took part in 2 training sessions. The aim is to raise awareness of the diversity of living things by understanding what makes up this biodiversity. What is the respective place of mammals, vertebrates, insects and microbes? What are the exchanges in natural environments? And to better understand the preservation needs of living beings.

These mornings of learning and sharing are complemented by original discovery walks on our Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site. The site has been partially renaturalized. It is home to a wide range of natural environments: woods, edges, wetlands and areas undergoing revegetation. An opportunity to learn how to look at the different vegetation layers and name trees and plants.

With Humanité et Biodiversité, a lasting and exciting partnership

In 2019, ECT and the Humanité & Biodiversité association signed a charter of commitment to biodiversity.

The year 2020 marked a new stage in this partnership: the charter was enriched with methodological reflections and a highly operational application for the design of ECT sites.

In 2021, our commitments will take shape on the ground. Following the introduction of a questionnaire among our employees to assess their awareness of environmental issues, it’s now time for morning training sessions.

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