This is the vision of “a new model of global metropolis” developed by Roland Castro in the report submitted to the French President. One of our ambitions is to extend Paris beyond its historical boundaries, while building a “metropolitan oasis”.

This is the background to architect and urban planner Antoine Grumbach’s contribution, in which he asserts that inert soils are a material of the circular economy” and that their reuse is one of the challenges of a concerted development of “Greater Paris”.

As a major player in the reuse of inert soil, ECT is fully committed to this approach.

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San Frnacisco - Camion client

Landify US opens a site in Garnet, Palm Springs, California Landify US continues to expand with the opening of a new site in Garnet, Palm Springs. This site, dedicated to the management of inert soil and materials from the

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An ecological management guide to ensure the long-term future of our green spaces

Every ECT green development project is part of an approach to environmental enhancement and biodiversity preservation. This consideration of ecological issues begins at the design stage. It must continue after

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Substrat fertile - La Courneuve

ECT site in La Courneuve : fertile substrate production platform with Faiseurs de Terres

ECT’s site in La Courneuve, Seine-Saint-Denis, recently obtained authorization to produce fertile substrate, an important step in our commitment to the circular economy. This project will be developed in partnership

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