The Parc départemental de la Fosse-Maussoin in Clichy-sous-Bois (93) is a park open to the public, which benefits from this landscaped wooded area. Situated in a densely populated urban area, the 14-hectare park is an outstanding example of nature in the city. In January 2021, the Seine-Saint-Denis département officially inaugurated the park’s first extension.
Other developments are underway to create a 22-hectare “green lung”, including a biodiversity zone. A further 7 hectares are currently being developed for this purpose. The new space offers panoramic views over Seine-Saint-Denis and Paris, with the creation of a landscaped belvedere. New leisure facilities enhance the promenade, including a playground and picnic area. Access will be facilitated by 2 new entry points into the Park. Finally, 2,000 trees have been newly planted.
ECT used inert soil from local construction sites to shape and develop this, the eighth departmental park in Seine-Saint-Denis.