Experimental plots from the European Reecol project at the Mazingarbe site

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At the foot of slag heap 49, the ECT site at Mazingarbe is a study area for the European REECOL research project , led in France by Ineris. This program develops innovative solutions for restoring degraded soils in former mining regions.

Mazingarbe, an experimental site for the ecological rehabilitation of mining sites

2 plots on the site are dedicated to research into polluted industrial soils. In this context, Inéris analyzes various parameters.

  • Soil-plant pollutant transfer,
  • Degradation processes for organic pollutants,
  • Soil physico-chemical and biological characteristics,
  • Restoration capabilities,
  • Plant biodiversity,
  • Combating invasive species, in particular the Giant Hogweed, which is very present on the site

The aim of this research is to identify the degraded ecological functions of the soil. Then propose appropriate solutions, taking into account the constraints of climate change and future uses of the site.

A project to serve the region

Acquired by the EPF Hauts-de-France, this site is now the subject of a redevelopment project led by ECT and the town of Mazingarbe. Using excavated soil from local building sites, the site is gradually being restored to accommodate new ecosystems and uses adapted to current environmental challenges. The use of these inert materials, rigorously controlled at source and at the site entrance, plays a key role in this transformation.

Rehabilitation involves the following objectives :

  • Contain pollutants by adding inert soil
  • Covering Giant Hogweed, limiting its spread
  • Recreate soils conducive to revegetation and the development of a new ecosystem.

Ultimately, this project will result in the creation of several natural and functional spaces :

  • An urban forest, contributing to the reconstitution of a suitable plant cover,
  • A seed orchard, developed in partnership with the Espaces Naturels Régionaux (ENRx) for the production and conservation of local species,
  • A soft link, integrating the site into its landscaped environment and facilitating travel.

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Mazingarbe - vue google map - placettes test

Experimental plots from the European Reecol project at the Mazingarbe site

At the foot of slag heap 49, the ECT site at Mazingarbe is a study area for the European REECOL research project , led in France by Ineris. This program

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