EIVP and ECT Chair, new 2021 symposium “Urban soils, positive values for the city of tomorrow”.

New EIVP / ECT symposium:  “Urban soils: positive values for the city of tomorrow”.

On June 22 and 23, the Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris (EIVP) and ECT organized the “Valorisation des terres issues des chantiers urbains” chair,  in partnership with L’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage de Versailles  (ENSP) and with the participation of Cycle Terre, a new symposium. An opportunity for ECT and EIVP to explore and share ideas that place land at the heart of current debates on the sustainable city in a number of ways: 
  • a vector for rehabilitating neglected sites, a structuring element for the new territorial landscape,
  • environmentally-friendly building material
  • an essential element in the urban integration of green spaces and biodiversity.

A multidisciplinary approach to sustainable urban development

These different focuses suggested that urban land could be a new, positive approach. They are an integral part of sustainable city policies. Through a dual approach of saving resources and reusing environmentally-friendly materials. This was illustrated  by a wide variety of theoretical and historical examples and approaches, as well as international, national and Ile-de-France examples. 
These four half-day sessions argued in favor of developing a multi-disciplinary approach to urban engineering, ecological engineering, urban planning and landscaping.  

Land, Land and the Sustainable City-part 1/2

  • Opening of the symposium by L. Mogno (President of ECT) and F. Jung (Director of EIVP)
  • Presentation of the symposium and the VTU Chair, Antoine Grumbach (AG Territoires) and Youssef Diab (Head of the VTU Chair, EIVP, Professor of Urban Engineering, Gustave Eiffel University)
  • For a circular economy of land uses, Marc Kaszynski (President of LIFTI)
  • Promoting biodiversity with earthen landscaping, Bernard Chevassus-au-Louis (biologist, Chairman of Humanité et Biodiversité)
  • The innovative circular economy model for excavated soil; Laurent Mogno, President of ECT
  • Reusing land for urban revitalization: al-Azhar Park in Cairo, Christophe Bouleau (senior conservation officer, Aga Khan Trust for Culture)

La fabrication du paysage, trace positive de la place des terres excavées (in partnership with École Nationale Supérieure de Paysage)

  • Landscape construction. A brief history of earthworks and landscaping, Michel Audouy (Professor at ENSP)
  • Fabricated hills, Gaalad Van Daele (architect and researcher, ETH Zürich, editor of Accatone Magazine)
  • Inert soil: opportunities for landscaping, Loïc Pianfetti (Head of the Landscape and Biodiversity Department, SNCF networks)
  • A dialogue between urban engineering and landscape with landscape architect Henri Bava, architect Antoine Grumbach and two researchers, engineer and historian Mathieu Fernandez and landscape architect Hong Zhu.
  • Conclusion by Vincent Piveteau (Director of ENSP) and Youssef Diab

Earth as a material: the Cycle Terre project (Innovative Urban Action)

  • Earth, a living material for building cities: Jean Dethier, architect and author of Habiter la terre. Traditions, modernities and the future of terrestrial building Commentary by Romain ANGER, engineer (Amaco).
  • Presentation and assessment of the Cycle Terre Innovative Urban Action: Silvia Devescovi (Cycle Terre project leader, City of Sevran), Magali Castex (Cycle Terre project co-leader, Grand Paris Aménagement)
  • Replication and sustainability of the Cycle Terre model/approach. Presentation of questions and suggested answers, Sophie Schlewitz (Quartus).
  • Reactions from two key witnesses, Raffaele Barbato (UIA project coordinator) and François Ménard (scientific project manager, PUCA)
  • Morning session concluded by Benoist Apparu (Chairman of the Board, In’li)

Land, Land and the Sustainable City-part 2/2

  • Landscape deterioration dynamics in the Liège industrial valley: remobilizing degraded land at the heart of territorial issues, Joël PRIVOT (architect, urban planner, consultant and researcher at the University of Liège)
  • The art of the city hedgehog. Diplomacy and sharing the basis of life. Nicolas Gilsoul (Architect, Doctor of Science, landscape architect and Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais)
  • City soils, a fertile and sustainable foundation, Jacqueline Osty (landscape architect, Grand Prix de l’Urbanisme 2020)
  • New approaches to sustainable urban planning: combining SHS thinking and nature, a dialogue between Luc Abbadie (ecologist, professor at Sorbonne University) and Alain Bourdin (sociologist and urban planner, professor at Gustave Eiffel University).
  • Summary and closing remarks by Jérôme Gleizes (President of EIVP, elected representative of Paris), Youssef Diab

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