The sustainability of our business is based on a responsible approach and the collective commitment of all our employees and stakeholders. With this in mind, we have set up a charter for our suppliers and subcontractors, reflecting our values and commitments to corporate social responsibility (CSR).
An approach rooted in strong values
Our ethical charter expresses our needs and is based on three cardinal values: Respect, Excellence, Leadership.By joining the United Nations Global Compact in 2022, we have made explicit our commitment to apply, promote and support in our activities the ten principles relating to human rights, international labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
Today, ECT wishes to apply these principles to its current and future suppliers and subcontractors. The aim is to promote relationships based on trust, fairness and sustainable practices. We expect our value chain to share the fundamental principles of this charter. By adhering to it, our partners commit to implementing fundamental principles.
- Business ethics : integrity and anti-corruption.
- Compliance with labor standards : fair working conditions and respect for employees’ rights.
- Health and safety : preventing risks and improving working conditions.Â
- Environmental protection : adopting practices that reduce our ecological footprint.Â
A pragmatic approach for efficient implementation
To make this Charter more operational, we have drawn up a decision-making guide for ECT buyers. For each principle, it sets out the recommended certifications, labels and commitments for selecting suppliers and subcontractors in line with our CSR values and objectives. With this Charter, ECT affirms its determination to build a sustainable future by actively involving its entire value chain in a responsible and virtuous approach.