ECT – Preserving biodiversity: an ecologist at work

ECT génie écologique - ECT ecological engineering

How is ECT helping to preserve biodiversity?

On our development sites, our objectives of sustainable development and safeguarding biodiversity are expressed through the preservation of plant and animal species, the planting of local species and the optimized and concerted management of rainwater.

ECT relies on an ecosystem of design offices and ecologists to structure the implementation of avoidance, reduction and compensation strategies, after analyzing the impact on biodiversity.

These strategies lead to the creation of ecological corridors, sanctuaries on our sites and the movement of species to these protected areas.

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San Frnacisco - Camion client

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An ecological management guide to ensure the long-term future of our green spaces

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Substrat fertile - La Courneuve

ECT site in La Courneuve : fertile substrate production platform with Faiseurs de Terres

ECT’s site in La Courneuve, Seine-Saint-Denis, recently obtained authorization to produce fertile substrate, an important step in our commitment to the circular economy. This project will be developed in partnership

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