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ECT – Preserving biodiversity: an ecologist at work

How is ECT helping to preserve biodiversity?

On our development sites, our objectives of sustainable development and safeguarding biodiversity are expressed through the preservation of plant and animal species, the planting of local species and the optimized and concerted management of rainwater.

ECT relies on an ecosystem of design offices and ecologists to structure the implementation of avoidance, reduction and compensation strategies, after analyzing the impact on biodiversity.

These strategies lead to the creation of ecological corridors, sanctuaries on our sites and the movement of species to these protected areas.

Latest news


Interview with Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain

Isabelle Ruckebush, mayor of Houdain (62), describes the transformation of a derelict municipal site into an urban park. She is delighted with the key role played by ECT Hauts-de-France in

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UNEV - Jeunes talents - UNEV - Young talent

ECT joins Connexion 21’s Club Jeunes Talents

  ECT is showcasing young corporate talent as part of a programme launched by Connexion 21, in partnership with UNEV and FNTP. The aim of this initiative is to highlight

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ECT génie écologique - ECT ecological engineering

Making a success of the “Ecological Engineering Horizon 2030” roadmap

The “Ingénierie et Génie Écologique Horizon 2030” (Engineering and Ecological Engineering Horizon 2030) roadmap aims to encourage the use of the resources offered by ecological engineering, an essential field for

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