ECT's "Land and Cities" theme
The Biennale d’Architecture et de Paysage launched its first edition in 2019, entitled “Man, Nature and the City”, which attracted 200,000 visitors. Still organized by the Ile-de-France Region and the City of Versailles, this 2nd edition of BAP! takes place from May 14 to July 13, 2022.
The link between “land and cities” is explored in all its forms, with 10 exhibitions in prestigious venues. The proposed itinerary brings together the views of professionals, artists and the Versailles Schools of Architecture and Landscape Design.
A rich, forward-looking program. ECT is proud to be a partner of this not-to-be-missed event, and is involved in a number of exhibitions at different levels of partnership.
"Projet(s) Terre(s)" at the Ecole Nationale de Paysage de Versailles
In this exhibition, the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Paysage invites us to put ourselves in the shoes of a landscape student discovering how to “take care of the soil” in landscape projects. In the enchanting setting of the Potager du Roi, curator Emma Morillon presents the work of students and workshops devoted by the Ecole to the reuse of excavated soil in landscape projects. This exhibition is part of the “Terres et paysage” chair, a partnership between ENSP and ECT.
"Visible / Invisible" at the Ecole Nationale d'Architecture de Versailles
“Visible / Invisible” questions the contemporary architectural forms that can emerge from rediscovering the material and energetic rationality of the land. This exhibition is curated by Guillaume Ramilien and Nicolas Dorval-Bory. In the courtyard of the Ecole d’Architecture, silt, sand, limestone and clay greet visitors. The soil was brought from the Villeneuve-sous-Dammartin site and excavated from the subsoil of the Ile-de-France region by the construction industry. This installation is the subject of a sponsorship agreement between ECT and the School of Architecture.
"La Tour des Terres", a manifesto for a land of opportunity!
Created by MueExperiences, this 60 cm module made from raw clay takes pride of place in the Visible/Invisible exhibition. This tower aims to demonstrate the load-bearing capacity of earth by experimenting with different building techniques using raw earth, heavy clay, cob, lightened earth and plaster. ECT is proud to have contributed to its realization.

The Pavillon de la Métropole du Grand Paris, designed by Chartier-Dalix, hosts a photo exhibition by Anne-Marie Filaire
Facing the Château de Versailles, the Pavillon de la Métropole du Grand Paris is an innovative building designed by the Chartier-Dalix agency. His “biodiverse” wall is both a solid load-bearing wall and a vertical floor, inhabited by flora and fauna. A world first! The pavilion features a photo exhibition by Anne-Marie Filaire, the fruit of her work on various ECT land reclamation sites. A perfect match of stone and earth.
"Earth Element" exhibition at Institut Paris-Région
Elément Terre, curated by Cécile Diguet, presents a very impressive model of the Ile-de-France region, made using earth from the region. On the theme of “the earth that shapes us – the earth we shape”, the exhibition also features the ” Cycle Terre” project, with a raw earth wall and photographs by Pierre-Yves Brunaud. The comprehensive exhibition evokes the subsoil of the Paris region, illustrated by a sample taken from an ECT site.