ECT Hauts-de-France, a 100% local commitment

Agence Hauts-de-France

For the past two years, the ECT Hauts-de-France agency has been headquartered in Givenchy-en-Gohelle (62), in the heart of the mining basin, to confirm its roots in the region. Under the direction of Julien Golaszewski, the agency is committed to the circular economy of excavated soil, with the aim of transforming abandoned and derelict sites in the Hauts-de-France region.

A team of experts and local recruitment

With the aim of creating local jobs, the agency has recruited local employees on permanent contracts. This commitment is reflected in a team that is 100% local and familiar with the challenges and specific features of the region.
With Guillaume Lemoine, land development manager and ecologist, the agency has in-depth expertise in local biodiversity. This issue is central to the design of biodiversity-friendly projects that recreate ecological environments adapted to the area.
Barbara Decaudin, Project Manager, contributes her expertise in the management of development projects.
Finally, Christian Kuzma, recently recruited on a permanent contract as a reception agent, manages the reception of land on site and checks its traceability.
This local recruitment approach strengthens our ties with the region.

ECT, a player in the circular economy of excavated soil from construction sites

The Hauts-de-France region has expressed a strong desire to redevelop its industrial wastelands and derelict land, and ECT shares this ambition. The agency offers self-financed undeveloped projects, using excavated soil from local construction sites. This circular economy approach gives new life to these spaces, responding to local aspirations for greenery in the city.

Projects are eco-designed with local authorities and our partners, such as the Van Pelt site in Lens, transformed into an urban forest, an urban market gardening project in Grenay, the development of a leisure and relaxation area between the Parc des Berges de la Souchez in Loison-sous-Lens and the Parc de la Chaussée Bruhenaut in Houdain. The agency aims to expand its projects in the Nord region.

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